I removed that prefix to make the table a bit more readable. Below is an overview of the available keys, the value types, the default value, a short description of the accepted value and if the key is required. Let’s start by having a look at the available keys and values for configuring an email profile for the Outlook app. I’ll end this post by showing the end-user experience, which will also show why I think that the added value for Exchange Online might be minimal. In this post I’ll show the available keys for configuring an email profile and I’ll show the configuration steps. Simply because I’ve got that available in my lab. Having said that, I do use that configuration as an example configuration.
I’m not that sure about that specific use case. Some even want to look at this for preconfiguring an email profile for Exchange Online. Depending on the exact infrastructure, this can save a lot of (adaption) work in providing guidelines to the users. Actually preconfiguring an email profile for the users, making sure that the users only need to provide their password. This week is all about configuring an email profile for the Outlook app.